The Masses
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The Holy Trinity, a.k.a. The Founders

The Wise and Powerful Kelsey, Owner of the Locker.  The Comic Genius Sherri, Protector of Locker Parties.  The Amiable and Humble Erin, Heroine of Time....?  Oh, sorry, that might be Zelda.  XD  Just kidding!  ^_^

Our Lovely and Slighty Fire-Hazardous Followers

And here are the lovely members of the FOTL.  ^_^

New members as of September 2005 are…

Tabby!  Marvelous…she is a freshWOman who is on the guard thing!  and she likes musicals.  so she wins.

(Others may come…will be updated.  ^_^)


And as for our more important returning members…

Aimee, Haleigh, Jessica, Jay, Vanessa, Justin (at the very least…he carries our books…), Aeron, Jason, Joe with the fro, Joe from chemistry, Laura, Karen, Lacy, SAAALG (dustin), mark, travis, tony C., Kenneth (because he opened THE Locker…once every year…), and kyle.

We also will include the entire band and choral groups, just because.  (except the sluts.  ^_^ and stupid people.  we don’t like them.  :D)  And I suppose that now not only will AJ Prack be the Honorary Necessary Antagonist Guy of Semi-Doom…he now has the title of Jazzy Spazzy’s Boy Toy.  Or something.  ^_^


Honorary Members are…


What we like to call the “MiniFOTL” are the following awesome kids:  Mary Beth, Kylie, Lisa…and all of them.  XD


DDR people:  Paul, Wayne, Maxx, Anthony, Box, Casey, Robert, Gay Justin, Krishna Justin, Tohma/Jessica, Ian (except not really), and many others.


Graduates:  (Unless noted in the DDR people place)  Jessica Smith, Tommy, Erica, Amber (aimee’s sister), Amber the magnificent, Daniel the traitor (even though we all secretly still love him), Katie…who shall forever sing us sweet songs, Lauren Nybeck, Lauren Sloan, Catherine, Laurann, Jaclyn, and Adena.


And of course anyone else whom we might have and probably did miss.  But we still love you.  Unless of course we hate you and wish you would rot in hell for eternity.  




Our Mascot! And Our Lovely Teacher Sponsor!

Austin is our Official Mascot of THE Locker.  He is not only adorable and awesome, he is AUSTIN-TACULAR!!!!!  And a bit Twister-riffic too.  <3

Our LOVELY dear Mr. Underwood, our Teacher Sponser Man... He's awesome.  He recieved the Holy Communion of a juice box, Teddy Grahams, and the Official Game Of THE Locker, Twister.  He seriously played with us, guys.  He rocks.  ^_^  AND he provides us with food!  AND he's cute!  <3  ^_^

Sadly this year he won't be with us, as he is now principal at a christian school.  So we wish him luck and applesauce.  We'll miss you, mr, underwood!!